Friday, May 20, 2011

Chapter 31

Section 1
1. It is one of the region's largest export product, and it grows well in the fertile soil and large amounts of rainfall in Southeast Asia.

Farmers picking rice in Myanmar
2. Many countries in Southeast Asia are industrializing at different rates because of their differences in economies, industries, populations and governing ideals.

creative writing: Lack of political stability, communication development, abundances of natural resources and changes in business policies change the economic growth rates between countries of Southeast Asia. Political and economic developments in one country can effect another in Southeast Asia because of their interdependence (a rising economy in one country can beneficially influence another, but a failing economy can negatively influence another).

Section 2

Mount Pinatubo erupting in 1991
1. Volcanoes, floods and typhoons in Southeast Asia are dangerous because of their sheer power, their ability to ruin thousands of square miles of crops and kill hundreds of people. volcanic eruptions occur rarely, but they bring destruction to land and water for thousands of miles around. floods ruin crops and contaminate drinking water, and typhoons, with their strong winds and heavy rains can cause flash floods and can cause severe property damage.

2. The larger use of factories, cars and electricity mean more air and water pollution in expanding and urbanizing countries such as Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia. Off-shore oil and gas exploration resulted in the loss of 50% of Thailand's mangrove forests.

creative writing: The people of Southeast Asia face many challenges with both natural and man-made environmental issues.  I believe that the man-made environmental issues are more demanding at the present time. I think this is because of our lack of awareness of just how much our actions towards the environment can affect mother nature's response. Many of the super-storms and climate changes that we are facing today are a result of global warming. If we can address the pollution issues, then perhaps the damage can be reversed and the challenges thrown at us by nature will lessen and we can focus on how to be more prepared to face them.

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