Sunday, May 8, 2011

Chapter 28

Section 1
1. East Asian countries have usually communist or democratic governments and have market economies controlled by private businesses.

China's grain production

2. Agriculture, trade, and industries have a large impact on East Asia's economy.

creative writing: Despite China’s record of human rights violations, the United States granted it full trading privileges and the country has also been admitted to the World Trade Organization. In my opinion, the US and the WTO made the wrong decision.

I think that it was the wrong decision to admit China into the WTO and to grant it full trade rights because the Chinese government would just see it as an opportunity to increase cheap labor and decrease labor laws. if the US and the WTO hadn't granted full trade rights and admission, then perhaps China would have changed its laws and treatment of dissidents to prove itself worthy of being a major trading partner of the world.
Air pollution in an East Asian city
 Section 2
1. Industrialization and urbanization in Eastern Asia causes extreme pollution in the air (coal and dust pollution causes thick smog in China's cities), acid rain, deforestation, industrial waste, landfills, water pollution, and desertification.

2. East Asia normally faces floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions because of its location on the western side of the Ring of Fire. East Asia also suffers from typhoons, hurricane-like storms.

creative writing: East Asian countries are taking steps to solve their environmental problems. Japan, since the 1970's, has curbed its industrial pollution,  and reduced its chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) emissions. other countries such as China and Taiwan are damming rivers and building levees and dikes to reduce flooding damage during typhoon season. These countries are also using the dams to produce hydroelectric power to supply electricity to their immense populations.

1 comment:

  1. Hasn't the US an even more appalling human rights record than China??
