Sunday, December 5, 2010

Chapter 12

Map of Northern Europe

Section 1
1. Over the past 100 years, immigration has influenced populations of countries in northern Europe by increasing the density of the population to 60 million people in approximately 94,488 square miles of land, and changing rural areas into urban cities.

2. The physical geography helped shape the population patterns of Northern Europe because both the islands and peninsulas that make up Northern Europe's countries are accessible to oceans and seas on most sides, allowing .peoples in the past to invade, conquer,  inhabit, and form these countries.

creative writing: There are advantages and disadvantages to living in a country that is a welfare state. The advantages are not having to worry about paying for tuition, health-care, retirement benefits, unemployment benefits, etc. But the disadvantages are that all of these is paid for by public taxes, and the benefits are equal to everyone, poor or wealthy, and the wealthier cannot buy extra benefits for themselves or their family.

Political map of Europe
Map of Western Europe

Section 2
1. Three ways that a religion has helped shaped the history and governments of western Europe are by creating  rivalries of power between nobles, emperors and popes and church officials, bringing about the Thirty Years' War, and sparking the holocaust during World War II.

2. World War II helped shape population patterns of western Europe because it meant that millions of people were  being moved, killed, or evacuated. Also, after the war, Germany was split into two separate countries before the fall of the Soviet Union: West and East Germany.

creative writing: The people of western Europe have a high standard of living, and governments provide citizens with medical care, maternity and retirement benefits, and other services, but the population in Western Europe is aging, with declining birthrates and death rates. In the next twenty-five years, many problems may surface. the population may reach a state where there are not enough citizens that are capable of working, and the number of working people will drop, along with the economy. this also means that with an aging population, there will be a narrower selection for national sports teams, and less people able to play.

Map of Southern Europe

Section 3
1. Because most Southern European countries are experiencing a period of immigration, urbanization is common, as most immigrants move to larger cities to find better jobs, and the population density is rising more quickly.

2. Three cultural elements shared by most of the people in Southern Europe are literacy, a knack for modern art, and the speaking of romantic languages.

creative writing: The Roman Empire ruled most of southern and western Europe, along with some of Asia and Africa. they left behind traces of their culture in the modern Europe we know today. we see it in the domes, columns, and arches in modern architecture, in the romantic languages spoken in Europe and the roots of the English language, and in the Roman Catholic Church.

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