Sunday, November 28, 2010

Chapter 11

Map of Europe

Section 1
1. Many natural forces sculpt Europe's land formations. One example of a glaciation-affected land form is Ben Nevis. An example of a land form affected by wind is Northern European Plain. A third example, of land forms shaped by tectonic or volcanic activity would be the Pyrenees Mountains.

2. Rivers are vital to Europe's economy because they act as trade ways that allow vessels and cargo ships to travel into Europe's interior, with the aid of canals.

map of Rhine River
 creative writing: There are many economical and political disputes about and over the Rhine River, which flows through three countries from its source in the Swiss Alps, along part of the border between France and Germany, through Germany for most of its length, to its final destination in the North Sea off the Netherlands. First of all, as both an economic and political issue, both Germany and France share a border formed by the Rhine. This river is disputed over because of the confusion of whether that certain stretch is owned by France or Germany, and whether or not either country can modify the river with the creation of dams or canals. secondly, if any country does dam the river, its flow into the Netherlands will be greatly reduced, and travel up and downstream will be affected. And a third challenge that the countries along the Rhine River face is the pollution that is produced from industries along the river. If a stretch of river close to its source is contaminated, then the rest of the river will be too.

map of Europe's average temp.
 Section 2 1. The major influences on climate in Europe are latitude, wind, land forms and ocean currents.

2. Winds affect the climate regions of Europe by bringing warm, moist air from the waters in the Gulf Stream and the North Atlantic Current into western Europe.

creative writing: The city of Dublin, Ireland, is at about 53° N latitude, and has an average January high temperature of about 44° F (about 6.6° C). The city of Duluth, Minnesota, is at about 48° N latitude, and has an average January high temperature of about 16° F (about –8.88° C). the reason for the higher average temperature is because the warm winds that blow off the Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Current keep the air i western Europe from becoming colder, while Minnesota, having so such winds, becomes much colder in the winter.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Chapter 10

Section 1
1. The basis of the economies in many Latin American countries is agriculture.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Latin America

2. The causes of Latin America's economically dependent status are the abundance of cash crops that are sold as exports. The consequences of this dependence are an extreme economic crash, should anything happen to the crops or the latifundas they are grown on.

creative writing: The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, is the agreement that gradually, trade restrictions will be decreased, and the flow if people, goods and services will be increased. There are advantages and disadvantages to NAFTA. One of the advantages is that trade between Canada, Mexico and the United States in creased by 10-15% every year, but a disadvantage was that it affected the overall effects on gross domestic product and regional employment very little.

section 2
1. As more and more people move into Latin American cities and towns, more and more housing, farming and work developments are made to keep up with the growing population, which takes up space. This space usually comes from the rain forest, and in using this space, we are depleting the natural resources there.

population growth in Latin America

2. The challenges posed by the growth of Latin America's urban population are the lack of safe housing, the unsanitary conditions of shantytowns, environmental laws that ban a certain amount of expansion, industrial pollution that both destroys the rain forests and beaches and waterways in Latin America, but also smog up the cities.

creative writing: The countries of Latin America are facing many challenges of regional and international significance. Two of the biggest issues are being in balance with the environment, and their economies. In Latin America, most of the wilderness is either beaches and ocean, or tropical rain forest. Much of the resources that powers industries such as fishing and logging are dependent on the ocean waters and the rain forests, but if these locations are changed in any way,  then the ecosystems of that environment would be destroyed and the fish or wood, per say, would no longer be available. in the Latin American economies, much of the money lies on agriculture. But if there were a disease that killed off most of the produce or live stock grown on the farms, then the economy would crash because the product would no longer be available. Another larger part of the economy is industry. but most people who work in factories or farms do not make very much money, and because of increased industrialization, many companies are replacing workers with machines, raising the number of jobless people in Latin America.

Slash-and-burn farming is used to clear rain forest land and make it suitable for farming.

Chapter 9

sorry, no homework :) :P