Sunday, October 3, 2010

Chapter Four

Section 2
1.  A culture can be defined by economy, daily life, history, language, art, religion and government.

2. The development of agriculture, language, trade and travel have all affected the interaction between cultures in recent years.

creative writing: If the informational revolution had not occurred, and there were no computers, no Internet, and no personal information storage devises, everyone's lives would be very different.
When I wake up, I would dress like I usually do. I'd come down stairs and eat my breakfast, brush my teeth and make my lunch. As my mom drives me to school, there are buildings, houses and parking lots, but no printed signs stating ; "Vote so-and-so for sheriff" or "Elect this person to be legislator." As we pull up to the school, the electric announcement board isn't there. In its place is a plastic sign with arrangeable letters. In abbreviated words it tells what is happening that week at school. A bell is rung, manually, and it keeps ringing for a minute. A cold wind blows dark clouds over head as I walk to the class room, and I wish that I'd brought a jacket. But no one else had brought one either, because there is no radar or weather man to tell us his weather predictions. during class, the teacher draws a picture of how our paper should look on the white board in front of us. We take out pieces of paper and recreate the drawing on our paper with pens and pencils. reading the single, handwritten book aloud, the class listening intently, for we have no books of our own because there are no printers to make any for us. When the last bell rings, I take home my notes on the homework, and my half completed pages. my brother is taken to his soccer practice, and my dad comes home from work. I finish my work, eat dinner, brush my teeth, and go to bed. no television, no computers, no cell phones, and no iPods. That would be my life with out the information revolution.

Section 3
1. The differences between major types of governments is who runs the government. this is divided into three main groups: (1) autocracy- run by a single person -, (2)oligarchy - run by a few people, usually wealthy ones -, and (3)democracy - run by many with representatives for all people.

2. Some examples of major types of ecosystems on the world are traditional, command, and market.

creative writing: In the scenario that I live under a democratic government and in a market economy, there would be both advantages, and disadvantages. the advantages would be that civilians would be able to vote for themselves, elect who they want to become government officials, and they would be able to buy what they want, sell what they want, and make as much of their product as they want, without too much interference on the government's part. the disadvantages, though, would be the fact that democracies go by the majority, and sometimes not everyone is satisfied in the end, and also, there is some government involvement when dealing with business.

United States' three branches of government

Section 4
1. A major factor in determining a country's economic development and trade relationships is how many natural resources that country has.

2. Human economic activities have, in recent years, had drastically affected the environment by introducing pollutants such as  carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, plastics, and scrap metals. and as cities become wealthier and become larger, they take over precious ecosystems that house plants and animals dependant on that specific environment.

creative writing: I disagree strongly with the statement, “Only developed countries need to replace their dependence on fossil fuels with the use of renewable energy resources.” I believe that if we are going to save our planet, we have to do so as a whole. if only the most developed countries reserve to renewable energy, that still leaves half the planet to use fossil fuels. to save our precious environment from total destruction, every country has to help, and every person has to help.

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